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STRIVE International

Stories & Stats

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Stories and Stats

STRIVE International, an organization dedicated to helping those facing the toughest societal barriers to employment, sought to enhance its connection with donors by showcasing the tangible impact of their work. They needed a compelling annual report that seamlessly blended stories of graduates with statistical data. Moreover, with their expansion into new locations like Atlanta, Birmingham, and New Orleans, STRIVE required consistent branding and marketing materials that would reflect their mission.


Designing a Transformative Annual Report

Our first challenge was to create an annual report that did justice to STRIVE’s remarkable impact. We took a bold approach by intertwining the stories of graduates with vital statistics. Through compelling narratives and stunning visuals, we portrayed the personal journeys of these graduates and the transformative support they received. This report became a powerful tool for STRIVE to communicate their achievements to donors.

Expanding Branding and Design:

As STRIVE International embarked on its journey of expansion, it was crucial to maintain a consistent brand identity. The Good Pixel took the lead in designing marketing materials, events, and logos for their new locations in Atlanta, Birmingham, and New Orleans. We ensured that STRIVE’s mission and impact were seamlessly integrated into their branding, ensuring a unified and compelling message.

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